Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ashes Are Not Garbage!

Once in a while a story comes along about an old couple misremembering the laws of our country, which usually leads to a funny story about the foolish things that they did like run a barricade or walked outside in the nude, but this story is almost the polar opposite. Here once again we see the ever present struggle between the citizens of Detroit and the government of Detroit. Although this situation is not comparable to the impact of Kwame's incident, it adds an example of the skewed views present in Detroit. This purpose is easily noticeable through Stephen Henderson's use of diction. Using descriptive words such as "burned-out houses and the waste-high garbage piles" and " isolated incident, perpetrated by an over-eager pencil-pusher... terribly misplaced priorities, awful service delivery, and rampant dysfunction," Henderson can easily create a sarcastic tone. In turn the sarcasm shows the reader how foolish the government of Detroit can be for harassing this couple instead of fixing the broken burned-out houses only a block away. Thus, Henderson's purpose can be easily seen and realized through his use diction to create his tone and establish a stereotype for all government people caused by their own stupidity.


J. Gatz said...

Frank... Prom with me?

MartyP said...

Dear FrankDaTank,
I really like your title. Although i didnt quite read the whole article I was not even considering it until i read the title. It catches my attention because I thought that ashes were garbage. This made me want to read on.