Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Mind Of Politics

Finding a complete thought in this world is a very trying process. Most people have an idea about what they believe but are not 100% sure when asked why or how they believe in such things. Unlike most groups in the world with their unfaithful members Larry Elder manages to find a very popular group who share their hatred for another group. These people are the Extreme Liberal Democrats. Now, before all the accusations go out against me or Larry for mocking these people, I'll say that I do not believe every Democrat is like this but most who are extreme and are involved in politics everyday have issues with their enemies. Elder recently uncovered what these men actually say about the Republics when expressing how they view a certain figure. Elder generalizes the extreme liberals as hating the Republicans enough to call them Nazi's. Being on the side he feels is best for the job Elder chose Bush for President. Elder makes his statement clear about the clueless mind the rest of the world has, by arguing with a man who only hates Bush because of what he has heard on the internet. It is now clear that those who hate Republicans pass their hatred on to their unknowing followers. Even examining myself I had no idea why I didn't like Bush. I could only come to the conclusion that these extremists have meshed with society because their hatred has driven them to get as many people as they can to bring the Republicans down. Our society must wake up and start analyzing their beliefs quickly before the wrong person comes in power and it is to late because we didn't analyze what we were told.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who Knew?

As I was scourging the net for my new blog entry about the significance of the "hidden" message I came across this interesting comic involving a boy and a snake. The name of the comic strip, Boy on a Stick and Slither, caught my attention from the get go. As soon as I saw the small boy and the snake I thought this was some kind of boring comic strip as the countless others I had gone through before. Fortunately this comic strip had much more than I assumed. To some the message may be quite blurry as they do not understand what the narrow and wide paths are, but for us Believers we understand exactly what this little boy is saying even if he does not. The snake assumes the role of unbelievers in the world saying they are taking the "super-highway" of life although it is crowded with so many others. The boy assumes the role of a believer in Christ who wants to take the "narrow" path, and although the author gives the boy a sense of misunderstanding in this comic he still has his decisions set on the correct path. Although there is not a clear cut message in this comic, a reasonable person would assume that this is the message of living a god-pleasing life instead of the easy sin filled life that the snake is taking. (I also thought it was ironic that the snake was the unbeliever as Satan was a snake.)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Can They Be Beaten?

For this column I decided to choose Ryan Day's column on the 11 ways Chargers can beat the Patriots. You can find this column here. In essence Day's column does exactly what it says, points out the only ways the Chargers have a chance at beating the Patriots. They must use Rivers effectively, run more than pass, dominate time, get INTs, punish players on defense, and make Brady nervous. Obviously, Day is on the side of the Chargers all the way, in his last line he states that he hates everything to do with the Patriots, but what if he was more clear cut than this. What if Day had to write his column to a group of girls. Now not to say all girls don't know anything about football, but I'd take the chance to say most don't understand what an INT is but I'm sure at least 75% know exaclty who Tom Brady is. Therefore, to appeal to the less informed crowd he would have to explain his thoughts in a more clear and less elaborate way. He'd probably also have to take out the fact that he hates the Patriots, because most people who don't understand football, like the Patriots. Girls don't want to hear about crushing cute Tom Brady they would rather read a more laid back tone such as maybe making Brady get a little nervous rather than being hurt. Poor baby. With all the audience changes aside, I love the Chargers and I hate the Patriots just as Day does. I cannot express all my feelings on my blog so I will leave it at the fact that I want Brady beat. Go Chargers!